SWADISTHANA CHAKRA – Sweet sensuality
Hi, I’m Charlotte (Yogi Cha). I’m a yoga teacher with a degree in clinical psychology. When not teaching, I enjoy learning and writing (my blog) about both eastern and western approaches to body-mind union.

The immense strength in the creative energy
Movement and connection
I allow myself to take pleasure
My sexuality is sacred
I came in to a shala packed with excitement today and I asked my students to embrace the sensation that each movement brought in this morning’s SWADISTHANA CHAKRA FLOW. If you practice for an expected result, if your concern is to hold the big toe in your trikonasana or stay in hanumanasana for as long as possible, you will miss the bliss. The ecstatic sensation in shavasana, the mix of complete relaxation and peace with the tingling feeling of your energy comes when you have enjoyed each step of the way to get there. Your practice is not a performance. It is you, every cell of the instrument moving rhythmically on that piece of mat, is you opening up the field of endless potentiality that you have within. Explore all the things your body can do, be amazed how wonderful you can feel. We are all creators; we are all gods of creation.