Shadow work – lost in the parallel universe of the Self Help section at the book store

RESILIENCE – the hard nut

A YOGI CHA BLOG RESILIENCE – the hard nut For the second part, let’s deal with that nut now. Naturally, anything that we can deal with before it crystallises, before it hardens, is easier to get rid off. It’s the “get back in the saddle” idea : when you have...
RESILIENCE – shake it off like a duck

RESILIENCE – shake it off like a duck

A YOGI CHA BLOG RESILIENCE – shake it off like a duck Ducks have a great resilience to trauma. When coming down from a “fight or flight” traumatic moment, it shakes off the trauma so that, not only has it left the experience behind but their physical body has...
RESILIENCE – shake it off like a duck

Time out

A YOGI CHA BLOG Time out Our need for silence Our craving for a time out To come back to ourselves Last time I was in India, my friend said “you’re lucky to have so much time to be with yourself” But we are always with ourselves. So why doesn’t it feel like that? How...