by Charlotte Skogsberg | Mar 26, 2022 | Uncategorized
A YOGI CHA BLOG Whether it’s season changes, digestive issues, sleep or hormonal imbalances this is what you need to understand. We have a natural harmony in our bodies and we could call that a play of Yin and Yang to use words that most of us can relate to. Basically...
by Charlotte Skogsberg | Mar 12, 2022 | Uncategorized
A YOGI CHA BLOG This is how you know that your compensatory strategies aren’t working We have become very good at problem solving. Like the saying goes “there are no problems, only solutions”. So when we needed to be active even though it was time to sleep, we...
by Charlotte Skogsberg | Mar 10, 2022 | Uncategorized
A YOGI CHA BLOG This is why you feel empty We have the misconception that happiness is something we obtain. Later. When we are THERE. So we work real hard to obtain what we think that corresponds to. We early lose interest in school, mainly because we can’t see how it...
by Charlotte Skogsberg | Mar 10, 2022 | Uncategorized
A YOGI CHA BLOG Stop “gaslighting” yourself to take the power back Let’s be real- gaslighting is just an American pop psychology word for lies. There are two things we need to separate from each other though that most people seem to mix up : lies and...
by Charlotte Skogsberg | Mar 6, 2022 | Uncategorized
A YOGI CHA BLOG Why patterns are so hard to break So many times have I heard it, and said it probably as well : why do I keep coming back to this behaviour? We are creatures of habit, I am sure you are aware of that. But there are so many layers to that reality so,...
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